High time I gave a shout out on this web site to the vastly talented Pedro Marques, the cover designer behind, I'm glad to say, all the fiction books I have done with the marvellous PS Publishing, so far. Whatever the dubious quality of the prose contained between said covers, the books, I always know, will look damn gorgeous. And it's always exciting to see what he comes up with.
As PS themselves said in a recent newsletter, Pedro is one of a select bunch of artists who design the whole book; interior text and graphics, signing sheets, slipcases, the whole shebang! His most recent work for PS includes The Complete Short Stories of Mike Carey, and The Divide, playwright Alan Ayckbourn's debut novel. He also worked on the interior book design and cover arrangement using Dani Serra's artwork for Angela Slatter's collection The Heart is a mirror for Sinners. Pedro is currently working on up and coming PS projects The Big Blind by Lavie Tidhar (his eighth Lavie book) and Stephen Volk's Under a Raven's Wing (his fourth). (More info on that latter project as it comes in.) Meanwhile, is this really a photograph of the elusive Pedro, or simply "fake news" created by a quick trawl of the internet? Perhaps that fine looking lobster knows, but he sure as hell ain't telling...
Tales to Terrify #26: After the Ape8/8/2020 Check out this recording of my story "After the Ape" read by Amy H Sturgis. I'm always delighted to hear my stories in audio form and this works a treat, I think. As well as appearing in my collection Monsters in the Heart, the story can also be read in the mini-volume below, which I share with Brian Lumley.
"The notion of what happened next? following the ending of a classic monster movie - probably the biggest and best of all time - was an intriguing one to me," I said to editor Steve Jones, "and not only the initial considerations of public health issues! Though somehow kicking this off, and shadowing its development, was my reading somewhere that King Kong was Hitler's favourite film. Why, I wondered? Anyway, the ape is not the monster in this tale. Far from it." Whitstable: art by Richard Dearing5/8/2020 Some samples of beautiful concept art by the supremely talented Richard Dearing for a putative graphic novel rendering of Whitstable. I'm overjoyed and overawed. It would be tremendous for it to come to fruition one day.
Afterlife DVD covers (Region 1)3/8/2020 These designs for the DVD covers for Afterlife in the USA (Region 1) don't really convey either the atmosphere or the story content of the ITV drama series. But hey, it's rather nice art in its own right.
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January 2025